(简体中文) 疯抢商品之后 中国人再暴买日本房产

当中国游客“暴买”日本货架上的商品之后,近两年的时间内,日本的房价上涨了接近30%,日本地产中介把这同样归功于大量涌入的中国买家。日本房价经历上世纪90年代暴跌,以及2020年东京举办奥运会的刺激政策,中国买家认为时机已到,纷纷出手。数据显示, 2015年,负责向中国市场提供海外房源的居外网用户对于日本挂牌房产的询盘量比2014年增长191%,询盘合计总价值高达5.32亿美元。居外网超过73%的用户表示,投资是在日本购房的主因。数据显示,东京是最受中国房地产买家欢迎的日本城市,其次是大阪和京都。

(简体中文) 中国富豪频购比弗利过亿豪宅 三天内全款支付

继俄罗斯富豪之后,中国富豪已经成为了比弗利山庄的新贵,据《中国经营报》记者获悉,中国人已经成为比弗利山庄豪宅炙手可热的买家,中国买家的支付能力让人吃惊。据居外网数据显示,去年4季度,华人对洛杉矶贝佛利山庄千万美元级别豪宅的问询量,达历史新高。居外网对500万美金及以上级别房源购买趋势的研究显示,对于中国买家而言,加州是世界上高端地产最受欢迎的州或州级地区。居外网CEO 潘卓礼Charles Pittar 说,仅在过去的六个月中,居外网美国高端地产的网上浏览量就增加了29.8%。中国买家眼中的美国前15大目标城市,前五名15年与14年不变。即洛杉矶、纽约、旧金山、西雅图和休斯顿。

(简体中文) 中国女商人过亿美元竞购巴拿马岛屿

在巴拿马,有三个岛屿正在整体出售,而一位神秘的中国商人目前成为该岛屿最有利的竞购者。记者了解到,三个整体出售的小岛总价超过一亿美元,中国买家和岛屿的拥有者已经进行了多轮沟通。据了解,希尔顿海兰德佳士得国际公司经纪人翠丝特·鲁兰(Trista Rullan)和伯曼品牌地产公司(The Berman Brand)经纪人詹妮弗•伯曼(Jennifer Berman)共同代理卡约内塔斯群岛重大自然遗产暨不动产项目。与詹妮弗合作的面向中国卖家的居外网人士向记者表示,“中国买家通常都很低调,想让他们出面非常难。”

Overseas travel destination diverge between average and wealthy

On Tuesday, at the Juwai Global Developers Summit, Visabao.com CEO Chen Cheng said, “budget limitation is still identified as the top reason in preventing Chinese from going abroad fortheir holidays. Visa application is the second reason.”Charles Pittar, Juwai CEO said on the summit that outbound tourism has been one of the mainreason Chinese buy overseas homes. “We found that each time after China’s golden week,inquries about homes in Thailand, Japan rise sharply,” he said.

Picky Chinese invest smartly in overseas residential units

According to Juwai.com, an online service offering information on overseas properties toChinese mainland buyers, Chinese real estate investment outside China has grown from $5billion in 2010 to $52 billion in 2014, and is set to reach $220 billion by 2020.

Property bounce hides weakening market

A survey of realtors in China, the US and Australia — commissioned by property portal Juwai — found 55 per cent forecast more buying from Chinese clients, with just 10 per cent suggesting there would be fewer than last year. Juwai chief executive Simon Henry said serious falls in the Shanghai and Hong Kong stock markets meant more Chinese ­investors were considering buying property.