英国印花税改革滋长豪宅租赁市场 黄金地段业主可要赚大发了


印花税的变化尚未在租赁市场造成任何负面影响。但有可能发生租户延迟买房计划。买家不愿多花钱,卖家更不愿降价出售,转而先放租1~2年,直到买家们接受了印花税变化之后再做打算。据Savills 数据分析显示,与同期相比,豪宅的成交量下降了12%,但相反促进了豪宅租赁市场的欣欣向荣。高端市场房屋中介所Douglas Gordon 报告统计,去年12月到今年1月份,豪宅租赁的需求量迅速上涨82%,形成了供不应求的状态。原本计划出售的豪宅纷纷转向租赁市场。



过去,伦敦西区仅有10% 的买家和租客是亚洲人,每周支付的租金从1500磅到3000磅不等。如今,一群新的亚洲租客打破以往记录。在伦敦豪宅黄金地带Mayfair 区,新建的440户奢华公寓吸引了大量中国买家和亚洲租客。除了俄罗斯人和中国人,巴西人也成为了第三大主力军,根据房屋中介统计,这一群租客更倾向于外观华丽,配备私人花园的学区房。

地段决定投资回报 法国租客为主流

对于房主来说,一套2卧的市中心公寓每月租金2000-5000英镑。如果房产是位于骑士桥(Kinghtsbridge) 梅费尔(Mayfair)此类的黄金中心地段的顶楼公寓,每周租金可达1万英镑,三个月租金可达12万英镑。在骑士桥(Knightsbridge)一间带卫生间的卧室,每周租金最少6600英镑。

尽管一套骑士桥(Knightsbridge) 或梅费尔(Mayfair)的房产每月可收较高租金,但并不是所有的豪宅房主都愿意把房子租出去。对于石油大王Sheikh来说, 12万英镑的租金收入只是冰山一角。但房屋中介Harris 总裁认为,有很大一部分的年轻白领并不介意将自己的房产租出去与租客共享,或在度假期间将房屋短租,也将是一笔可观的收入。

伦敦25%的私人租客都是以家庭为单位,特别是法国租客。因为2013年法国总统Francois Hollande针对富人的税收政策,法国富豪们迅速移居到伦敦肯辛顿(south Kensington),靠近法语教学的学校。这些租客的租期相对较长,续约的租客越来越多,租赁活动非常稳定,似乎已经成为趋势。

JR Capital 公司投资部总监指出,越来越多的中东投资者进入租赁市场,去年接近年底时,豪宅租赁需求旺盛,伦敦中心地段租赁房源匮乏,这对打算长期投资的业主来说是个好消息,因为租金将会上涨。Pastor 房屋中介认为,租赁市场升温将会是2015年房产市场的主要趋势,最起码上半年直到大选以后才会有所改变。








  1. 亲身父母离异
  2. 父母一方申请投资移民或企业家移民




学生签证及临时工作签证类别因为没有定居导向,通常不会涉及到此类问题。 因为学生签证并无永居导向。也就是说,只有移民局认为,父/母一方将要永久性地将子女带离另一方,独立抚养权的问题才会被考虑进签证申请中。



很多中国申请人认为,只要法庭判决上写着抚养权归母亲,母亲就拥有对孩子的完全独立的抚养权。 但是,从实践中来看,中国的法庭判决往往同时要求父亲定期支付扶养费或者教育,生活费用,在这种情况下,母亲拥有的只是日常的抚养权,而不是英国法律意义上的完全独立抚养权。

完全独立抚养权(Sole Responsibility),以下是英国政府对于独立抚养权的解释:

SET7.8 What is sole responsibility?

A sponsoring parent (see SET7.2) must be able to show that he/she has been solely responsible for exercising parental care over the child for a substantial period.If the sponsoring parent and child are separated, the child will normally be expected to have been in the care of the sponsoring parent’s relatives rather than the relatives of the other parent. An application should normally be refused if the child has been in the care of the other parent’s relatives and the other parent lives nearby and takes an active interest in the child’s welfare.

The following factors should be considered in assessing sole responsibility:

  • Are the parents married / in a civil partnership?
  • If the parents’ marriage / civil partnership is dissolved, which parent was awarded legal custody, which includes assumption of responsibility for the child?
  • Where there is a custody order the ECO should take care to ensure that the issue of a settlement entry clearance to the child will not contravene the terms of the custody order. See list for countries whose custody orders can be recognised as valid in UK (copy is available on this guidance page).
  • Does the marriage / civil partnership subsist, but the parents do not live together?
  • If the sponsoring parent migrated to the UK, how long has the sponsoring parent been separated from the child?
  • If the sponsoring parent migrated to the UK, what were the arrangements for the care of the child before and after the sponsoring parent migrated?
  • If the sponsoring parent migrated to the UK, what has been / what is the sponsoring parent’s relationship with the child?
  • Has the sponsoring parent consistently supported the child, either by: direct personal care; or by regular and substantial financial remittances?
  • By whom, and in what proportions, is the cost of the child’s maintenance borne?
  • Who takes the important decisions about the child’s upbringing, for example where the child lives, the choice of school, religious practice etc?



孩子父母中的一方,在一定长的时间跨度内,独自对于孩子负有完全的亲代责任(he/she has been solely responsible for exercising parental care over the child for a substantial period)。


  1. 对于时间跨度的要求
  2. 对于“完全”的定义