坐落於澳洲北部昆士蘭境內的弗雷澤島(Fraser Island),位於布裏斯本東北邊,是世界上最大的沙積島,1992年這個美麗的地方被列入世界自然遺產之壹。弗雷澤島西海岸的翠鳥灣度假村(Kingfisher Bay Resort)遍布美麗的原生態天然風景、野生動物、雨林、湖泊和壹望無際的海灘,這裏有壹塊位置絕佳的土地正在出售——這塊土地是僅有的占據絕對海濱前岸位置的8塊居住物業開發用地之壹,可想而知,其稀缺性和獨壹無二的地段都令其具有超乎想象的升值潛力。
美國德克薩斯州壹直以來都是美國畜牧業重地。經歷2008年金融危機的洗禮,德州農場的金字招牌依然對全球買家具有強烈的吸引力。基於美國房地產整體行情的的強勁回升,以及傳統金融類產品的泡沫加劇,德州牧場堪稱2014年中國買家最值得考慮的保值升值類海外地產投資。這個名為“戴維森河牧場”(Davidson Creek Ranch)的物業,是壹塊面積在225英畝(約91公頃)左右的牧場,牧場上的原生林地與開闊的草地相互交織,打造出了寧靜的生活居住環境。
德克薩斯州不僅盛產彪悍的牛仔,更盛產奶牛、良駒,肥沃的土壤賦予了這裏豐富的牧草資源,也讓有心的牧場主有機會從種植裏找到大量商機。“戴維森河牧場”(Davidson Creek Ranch)是壹處典型的德州牧場,設有對開門式安全門,環境十分私密,距機場、精美的餐廳、購物場所和其他主要生活場所只有25分鐘路程——卓越位置讓其具備了獨壹無二的投資價值。
居住在這棟華麗大宅內,有無盡的運動樂趣,讓您時刻擁有繽紛無限的生活。從豪宅前行3分鐘即可抵達36洞的溫布利高爾夫球場和博爾德公園水上運動中心(Bold Park Aquatic Centre),想要體驗揮桿樂趣或者刺激的水上活動,都壹定會讓人得到滿足。前行6分鐘就可到達設有90家專賣店的弗洛裏特廣場,前往佩裏湖(Perry Lakes)體育區只需10分鐘——該區域有田徑、遊泳、籃球、足球運動場地。而前往珀斯市中心商務區只需16分鐘。娛樂、休閑、運動、購物、商務,所有生活所需都壹壹獲得滿足,讓您和家人毫無後顧之憂。
比舍諾鎮(Bicheno)位於塔斯馬尼亞(Tasmania)宜人的東部海岸、菲欣納半島(Freycinet Peninsula)的正北方,以其輕松悠閑的生活方式和豐富多彩的戶外活動著稱。這裏壹套氣派的住宅占據比舍諾首屈壹指的位置,剛好位於瓦布斯灣海灘(Waub’s Bay Beach)前方,距離海灘只有100米——樂居於此,時刻可以步行去感受海岸風光,擁抱迷人的塔斯馬尼亞生活。
購買這座大宅,您即可就擁有了恬靜自然的居住氛圍,享有世外桃源般的愜意和舒暢。在全球兩大城市生活調查之壹的美世生活質素調查(Mercer Quality of Living rankings)公布的2014年全球宜居城市調查結果中,新西蘭的奧克蘭排名第三。住進奧克蘭北岸科茨維爾(Coatesville),明智的您壹定不會錯過這次機遇。
A sponsoring parent (see SET7.2) must be able to show that he/she has been solely responsible for exercising parental care over the child for a substantial period.If the sponsoring parent and child are separated, the child will normally be expected to have been in the care of the sponsoring parent’s relatives rather than the relatives of the other parent. An application should normally be refused if the child has been in the care of the other parent’s relatives and the other parent lives nearby and takes an active interest in the child’s welfare.
The following factors should be considered in assessing sole responsibility:
Are the parents married / in a civil partnership?
If the parents’ marriage / civil partnership is dissolved, which parent was awarded legal custody, which includes assumption of responsibility for the child?
Where there is a custody order the ECO should take care to ensure that the issue of a settlement entry clearance to the child will not contravene the terms of the custody order. See list for countries whose custody orders can be recognised as valid in UK (copy is available on this guidance page).
Does the marriage / civil partnership subsist, but the parents do not live together?
If the sponsoring parent migrated to the UK, how long has the sponsoring parent been separated from the child?
If the sponsoring parent migrated to the UK, what were the arrangements for the care of the child before and after the sponsoring parent migrated?
If the sponsoring parent migrated to the UK, what has been / what is the sponsoring parent’s relationship with the child?
Has the sponsoring parent consistently supported the child, either by: direct personal care; or by regular and substantial financial remittances?
By whom, and in what proportions, is the cost of the child’s maintenance borne?
Who takes the important decisions about the child’s upbringing, for example where the child lives, the choice of school, religious practice etc?