那麼Chancellor of Exchequer(國庫長官)這個職位相當於什麼呢?簡單的說,就是權利僅次於首相,也是四個最主要的內閣職位(其他兩個分別是小胖的外事大臣和Rudd的內政大臣)。他和梅姨的關係,可以理解成宰相和皇帝的關係吧~那麼老大要保證朝廷風向一致,自然要挑和她一條心的宰相。
「As we approach the challenge of getting net migration figures down, it is in my view essential that we look at how we do this in a way that protects the vital interests of our economy. It is true that student visas have been abused in the past. The previous home secretary did sterling work tightening up on bogus educational institutions.」
「I cannot conceive of any circumstance in which we would be using those controls to prevent banks, companies moving highly qualified, highly skilled people between different parts of their businesses. That is essential for the smooth operation of our economy.」
*IGCSE 全稱International General Certificate of Secondary Education,即國際中學教育普通認證,是目前國外14歲至16歲全世界考試最多人數的體系之一,是劍橋全球測試的一部分。該考試相當於我們理解的“SSAT”,唯一不同的是若同學想申請英國名校劍橋,牛津大學等相近英系大學,此考試成績是申請的重要參考之一。